Friday, December 31, 2010

Fatal End " Kim's Story"

Yesterday we looked at Chris' Rather Sad experience at school.
However, Today we will focus on an experience that is incomparable in sadness to Chris' Story. It is a reality that we all must face, that is, sometimes the most tragic experiences in our lives hit us during our schooling. Let's look at Kim's Story:
"Twins possess a bond that is not easily broken" Kim
" My sister and I were inseparable! I guess that is the usual thing with twins. However, the relationship between my sister that I went deeper than us just being twins. It was as if we were conjoined and possessed some degree of telepathy. She always knew what I was thinking or what I wanted and I the same for her.

Sometimes the bond of friendship or kinship is so close that one person always knows what the other is thinking!
Anyway, we had just finished our last exam and couldn't wait to say goodbye to High School and hello College! That day, after exams we were supposed to go to a friend's house. But before we go to her house we decided to drive around town in our friend's car proclaiming our "release from bondage."  During our drive, our friend decided that we should pose as adults and purchase alcohol from a liquor store. ******** was not too much in favor of that idea. However, being the "wilder One" I was able to persuade her that we should go as none would go if the other was not going(that's how close we were). She agreed and my friend parked her convertible on the opposite side of the road a two blocks away from the liquor store so that no one would know that we were going to buy liquor and tell our parents. This.... This is when .... when it happened. As we were walking to the liquor store ***** kept telling me that she had a bad feeling about it and I was jokingly calling her chicken. All of a sudden, out of practically no where, a motorbike just ...... it all happened so fast that it was minuted after when people started to scream and run that I realised that **** my twin sister, my soul sister, my best friend, my life had been hit. I saw her on the ground covered in blood with a burst in her head and bruises everywhere and not moving. I think that it was at that point that I fainted. I only remember up to that point.

Today, six years later, I am constantly filled with guilt. Even when I try to forget about the accident, when I look in the mirror, I don't just see myself, but I also see her face with the crack in her head and the blood and bruises. I have nightmares all the time and have been taking sleeping pills since then. I often wonder why i had to persuade her to go to that liquor store. If it was not for me going along with my friend's suggestion, she could have been alive. we could have just gone to her house. But that is not the reality, It just goes to show the impact that we can have on people when they believe in us......."

When our losses are too hard to bare Jesus is always at our side. All we have to do is ask because he is our comforter and healer.
Tears flowed from my eyes as I read Kim's story. Having myself lost a loved one via a shooting I could somehow relate to how she feels. The difference is that she had a closer bond with the lost loved one and so the pain must be even greater.

If you have had a similar experience and you would like to
give Kim some advice on how to overcome her grief then please leave
your comments. She will be looking forward to them.

Also if you, yourself are trying to recover from the grief
of losing a loved one, then I have linked an ebook that
gives advice on measures that can be taken to overcome this grief.
Simply click on the post title to get this ebook.

Also at the bottom of the blog I have enclosed another link
to an ebook that has a lot of encouraging
reviews and recommendations.


1 comment:

  1. I really do sympatize with you. Really sad story. Sorry for your loss. Maybe you should consider therapy.


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